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MCC Brighton Course Reviews

Monroe Community College, Brighton

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 101Art Essentials00000
ART 110Comics and Sequential Art00000
ART 125Three Dimensional Design: Foundation00000
ART 231Art Seminar/Portfolio Development00000
ART 104Drawing I: Foundation00000
ART 118Perspectives of Art History I: Ancient00000
ART 154Drawing the Human Figure00000
ART 109Two-Dimensional Design: Foundation00000
ART 130Sculpture I00000
ART 206Commercial Illustration II00000
ART 120Painting I00000
ART 204Drawing II00000
ART 108Sketchbook: Processes and Materials00000
ART 119Perspectives of Art History II: Modern00000
ART 102Fine Arts: Theory and Practice00000
ART 115Introduction to Illustration-SV00000
ART 205Commercial Illustration I-SV00000