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Marist Course Reviews

Marist College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACCT 310NCost Accting11111
ATHT 397NClincl Pract III00000
BUS 492NSt:International Business00000
CMPT 308NDatabase Management00000
BUS 401NCompensation Adm00000
ART 478NSenior Thesis00000
CHEM 474LResearch Mthds in Chem I00000
ART 276LRenaissance Art-Ital Crt00000
ART 321NDigital Painting00000
BIOL 203LHuman Nutrition00000
BIOL 328LCell Biology00000
BUS 378NBusiness Internship00000
ART 403NArt Intern00000
BUS 421NCorp Finance00000
ART 211LDigtl Layout+Design00000
CHEM 361LThrmdynmcs+Kinet00000
ARTM 617LInternship00000
CMPT 105LMs Excel00000
ARAB 105LIntermediate Arabic I00000
CMPT 392LSt:Data Storage+Arch Mgmt00000
ART 300NContemp Jewelry Design00000
BIOL 305LAnimal Behavior00000
ARCH 140LHist Of Int Dsgn00000
ART 325NVisual Book00000
BIOL 430LDevel Biology00000
BIOL 490LSt: Microbial Ecology00000
BUS 340NMarktng Princip00000
ART 386NIn St: Adv. Painting II00000
BUS 390NSt:International Trade00000
ART 180LHist West Art II00000
BUS 412NBusiness Intern00000
ART 431L3D Modeling & Visualization00000
BUS 441NMarketing Resear00000
ANTH 257LThe Age Of Barbarians00000
CHEM 203LComputational Chemistry00000
ARTM 602LTranscltrl Aesthetics00000
CHEM 392LSt:Prin Of Biochemistry00000
ART 231LIntro Digit Media00000
CLDM 216LFilm History00000
ATHT 304LTherap Modalities00000
CMPT 220LSoftware Development I00000
ACCT 405NAdvanced Auditing00000
CMPT 331LTheory of Program Lang00000
BIOL 131LGen Biology II00000
CMPT 410NSystems Adminst-Mgtmnt00000
ARAB 298LIn St:Int Arabic III00000
BIOL 232LSex,Evolution Be00000
ART 314NAdv Photography00000
BIOL 315LImmunology00000
AGR 230LOrganic Agriculture00000
BIOL 392LSt: Intro To Ecology00000
ART 322NMultimedia Authoring00000
BIOL 480LSenior Research I00000
ARCH 380NSt: Architecture Studio00000
ART 333LHigh Renaissance+Mannerism00000
BIOL 497NBiol Intern00000
BUS 120NFinancial Literacy00000
BUS 310NData Modeling for Business00000
ART 380LRenaissance Art00000
BUS 363NGlobal Financial Markets00000
ART 125LArts Values00000
BUS 382NLgl Found of Bus00000
ART 397NFin Art Intern00000
BUS 395NBusiness Intern00000
ANTH 233LNative Americans00000
BUS 406NInst: Adv Ethical Dec. Making00000
ART 420LMultimedia Proj00000
BUS 416NCfa® Level00000
ART 207NBasic Printmaking00000
BUS 424NInnovation Mgmt+ New Prdt Dvlp00000
ART 435LDigtl Animation II00000
BUS 487NBusiness Internship00000
ACCT 401NAdvanced Accting00000
CHEM 115LGen Chemistry Lab I00000
ARTL 215LAesthetics Of Dsgn00000
CHEM 216LOrg Chem Lab II00000
ART 216LPhysics In The Arts00000
CHEM 376LResrch Mthds Chemi00000
ARTM 606LMuseum Ethics+Law00000
CHEM 424LBiochem Lab II00000
ANTH 370LEthnographic Field Tech00000
CHIN 102LElem Chin II00000
ARTM 625LThesis00000
CLDM 311LWar + Media00000
ART 245LMedieval Art00000
CMPT 130LInfo Tech & Sys Concepts00000
ATHT 310LLower Body/Exrem00000
CMPT 300LManagement Infor Systems00000
ACCT 303NAcct Theory Prac00000
ATHT 497NClincl Pract V00000
CMPT 388NInst: Cryptograp00000
ART 290LMuseum Studies00000
BUS 194NIn St:Research Experience00000
BIOL 190LSt:Star Program00000
ACCT 203NFinancial Acctng00000
ACCT 380NAccount Intern00000
ANTH 130LWine & Culture I00000
ART 105NBasic Sculpture00000
ART 366LArt 20Th Cent00000