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LU Course Reviews

Lamar University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CMGT 1310Intro Construction Management00000
CMGT 1320Light Construction Mats & Mtds00000
CMGT 2310Heavy Construct Mats & Mthds00000
CMGT 2330Fundamental Statics00000
CMGT 2350Construction Surveying00000
CMGT 2420Constr. Graphics Comm00000
CMGT 3231Structural Behavior II00000
CMGT 3330Structural Behavior I00000
CMGT 3340Ind. & Mech. Constr.00000
CMGT 3350Electrical Systems00000
CMGT 3360Structural Behavior II00000
CMGT 3450Electrical & Mechanical System00000
CMGT 4100Internship/Independent Study00000
CMGT 4199Special Topics in Const. Mgnt00000
CMGT 4260Construct Cost Management00000
CMGT 4270Strategic Analysis and Eval00000
CMGT 4310Construction Plan and Schedule00000
CMGT 4320Cost Estimating And Analysis00000
CMGT 4325Construction Project Managemnt00000
CMGT 4340Construct Soils & Earthwork00000
CMGT 4350Legal Practice in Construction00000
CMGT 4370Construction Safety Management00000
CMGT 4399ST: Construction Cost Est.00000
CMGT 4420Construct Cost EstimatAnalysis00000
CMGT 4470Capstone Construction Project00000
CMGT 5310Construction Plan & Schedule00000
CMGT 5315Advanced Construction Planning00000
CMGT 5320Construct Cost EstimatAnalysis00000
CMGT 5330Construction cost Management00000
CMGT 5350Legal Practices in Construct00000
CMGT 5355Conflict and Negotiation Mgmt00000
CMGT 5370Construction Safety Management00000
CMGT 5380Sustain Built Environ &Society;00000
CMGT 5385Sustainable Practices in CM00000