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Lehman Course Reviews

Lehman College (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARH 135Introduction to the History of Asian Art-Islamic, Buddhist,...00000
ARH 143Introduction to the History of Latin American Art00000
ARH 326Contemporary Art00000
ARH 330Greek and Roman Art00000
ARH 335Impressionism and Post-Impressionism00000
ARH 477Intership in Art History00000
ARH 797Special Problems in the History of Art00000
ARH 141Introd to the History of Modern Art of the 19th & 20th Centu...00000
ARH 320Art and Revolution in the West; Neo-Classicism, Romanticism,...00000
ARH 331Art of Medieval Europe00000
ARH 334Baroque Art00000
ARH 350Special Topics in Art History00000
ARH 783Independent Research00000
ARH 137Introduction to the History of Non-Western Art00000
ARH 167Tradition and Innovation in the Art of the West00000
ARH 327Modern Painting00000
ARH 333Art of the High Renaissance and the Later Sixteenth Century00000
ARH 348The History of Photography00000
ARH 451Seminar00000
ARH 489Research in Art History00000