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KSU Course Reviews

Kennesaw State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACST 3330Data Structures and Database Applications00000
ACST 4490Special Topics in Applied Computer Science00000
ACST 3530Linux Operating Systems and Networking00000
ACST 4620Computing Security00000
ACST 3340Modern Languages: Theory, Scripting, R, HPC, Fortran00000
ACST 4320Data Warehousing and Mining00000
ACST 3510Computer Architecture from Foundations to Cloud00000
ACST 4851Applied Computer Science Research Thesis00000
ACST 2301Problem-Solving and Digital Game Design00000
ACST 2312Programming with .NET Framework00000
ACST 4850Interdisciplinary Project and Portfolio Preparation00000
ACST 3710Digital Game Design and Team Project00000
ACST 3540Social Media & Global Computing00000
ACST 4570Cloud Computing and HPCC Systems Platform00000