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Jefferson Course Reviews

Thomas Jefferson University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HLSX 325Emerging Issues in Healthcare00000
HQS 601Capstone Project00000
HCA 302Hlth Care Class Systems00000
HIST 111United States History to 186500000
HDS 500Fundamentals of Data Wrangling00000
GRPH 201Design III for Graph Dsgn Comm00000
HPL 540Health Economics00000
GEOD 602Geodesign Studio00000
HCMD 601Topic Core Dis Prvnt Mgmt Cure00000
GEOD 617Adv GIS: Urb Sptial Anlytcs II00000
HG 701Clinical Lab/Rotation00000
HDS 652Strat Capstone Portfolio&Pres00000
GLOB 103Compl of the Glob Persp Distct00000
HLSV 210Eth Issues Hlth&Hmn Svcs Prov00000
GE 715Seminar I00000
HPL 500US Healthcare Org & Delivery00000
GRPH 381Health Comm Design-Tabacco Use00000
HQS 500Intro Healthcare Qual & Safety00000
GDIV 200Global Cultures of Modernity00000
HRM 421Organizational & Employee Rel00000
GEOD 607Geodesign Explorations00000
HCMD 606Capstone Preparation00000
GDIV 233World Cinemas00000
HDS 519Data Science II00000
GER 101German I00000
HG 660Ocular Genetics00000
HG 532Gen Couns Workshop & Sem II00000
GFE 732AGlobal Fashion Seminar I00000
HG 706Clinical/Lab Rotation00000
GE 637Human Genetics00000
HIST 321Bus Indus Work in Amer History00000
GRIN 791FGraduate Internship00000
HLSV 499Capstone Sem Hlth Serv Mgmt00000
GCIT 214Global Environmental Citiznshp00000
HMIS 401Network Management00000
GRPH 302Design Vi: Graphic Design Comm00000
HPL 510Health Research Methods00000
GE 735Seminar III00000
HPL 650Capstone Seminar & Project00000
GRPH 409Issues in Information Design00000
HQS 507Adv Appl of HQS in Clin Set00000
GC 751Instructional Tech & Learning00000
HRM 308Training & Development00000
HCA 410Medical Practice Mgmt00000
HRMX 305Staffing and Recruitment00000
GDIV 229Intercultural Encounters00000
HCMD 604Design Thinking Essentials00000
GEOD 615Adv GIS:Urbn Spctl Anlytcs 100000
HCMD 608Project Core: Life Stages & ID00000
GC 770PhD Laboratory Rotation III00000
HDS 502Advanced Data Analysis00000
GEOD 619Plant Community Ecology00000
HDS 538Implementation Science00000
GDIV 333Pop Culture in Global Society00000
HG 502Psychosocial Iss in Gen Couns00000
GFE 611Product Devel/Entrepreneurship00000
HG 552Clinical Applications III00000
HG 551Clinical Applications II00000
GFE 723Global Fashion Project 300000
HG 680Clinical Cancer Genetics00000
GE 612Adv Top in Molecular Genetics00000
HG 703Clinical/Lab Rotation00000
GFE 734Fashion Supply Chain Mgmt00000
HG 803Thesis III00000
GCIT 210Human Rights00000
HIST 114ACAmer in Focus: Themes US Hist00000
GNST 120Medical Terminology00000
HISX 201United States History I00000
GE 652Tumor Cell Signaling00000
HLSV 315Public Pol & Plan in Hlthcare00000
GRPH 102Intro to Graphic Design00000
HLSX 310Surv of Hlth Svcs Delivery Sys00000
GC 747Teaching & Learning Online00000
HMIS 310Manag Info Sys in Healthcare00000
GRPH 208History of Graphic Design00000
HMIS 410Advanced Seminar00000
GE 725Seminar II00000
HPL 505Legis, Exec, & Reg Processes00000
GRPH 320Package Design00000
HPL 513Eff Commun & Dissemin of Data00000
GCIT 225Global Politics00000
HPL 600Capstone Seminar00000
GRPH 407Philadelphia Univ Desgn Wkshop00000
HPOL 499Health Policy00000
GE 920Research00000
HQS 502Intro to International HQS00000
HALL 499Capstone Folio Workshop00000
HQS 512Business Case for Quality00000
GC 720Scientific Writing00000
HRM 305Staffing and Recruitment00000
HCA 350Prin of Public Health & Epidem00000
HRM 336Comp, Benefits, Health &Safety00000
GEOD 605GeoDesign Appl Research Stud.00000
HCAX 303Business and Healthcare Law00000
GC 550Found in Biomedical Sciences00000
GC 740Principles of Pedagogy00000
GC 920Research00000
GE 511Res Rotation-Exper MethI00000
GFE 621Fashion Global Mktg & Sourcing00000
HG 601Medical Genetics00000