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Ivy Tech Sellersburg Course Reviews

Ivy Tech Community College, Sellersburg

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 201General MicroBiology Live/Recorded via web, off campus, with...00000
BIOL 100Human Biology 1st 8wks00000
BIOL 222Genetics Traditional, on campus.00000
BIOL 105Biology I Molecular and Cellular Processes Traditional, on c...00000
BIOL 279Introduction to Scientific Research Live/recorded via web, o...00000
BIOL 107Biology II-Diversity of Life Traditional, on campus.00000
BIOL 101Introductory Biology on campus w/ online or virtual content....00000
BIOL 221Molecular Biology Traditional, on campus 16wks00000