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IPFW Course Reviews

Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECE 54000Antenna Design, Anly And Sim00000
EDU 34001Education & American Culture00000
AD 42301Advanced Figure Drawing00000
ECE 20200Linear Circuit Anly II00000
ANTH E445Medical Anthropology00000
AD 32501Advanced Painting I00000
ECON E322Intrmed Macroecon Thry00000
VCD P202Introduction To Photography00000
AD 49500Race & The History Of Art00000
WOST 23000Writing For Social Change00000
EALC J401Fourth-Year Japanese I00000
ANTH 40002Archaeol Meth & Tech00000
AD 25501Art And Design00000
ECE 39500Industrial Pract V00000
ENG G301Hist Of English Lang00000
ECET 26400C Progrm Language Appl00000
AD 35200Twentieth-Century Art00000
ECON 47101Econometric Theory & Pract I00000
EDUC G503Couns Theo/Tech I00000
EDU 43000Found Of Art Educ & Meth II00000
WOST W495Rdgs & Rsch Women Stdy00000
ANTH P376Archaeology Of Death00000
EDUC K370Intro Learning Disabil00000
ANTH 20002Language And Culture00000
AD 16500Ceramics For Non-Major00000
DLTP D400Adv Dental Prosthetics00000
DAST A271Clinical Science I00000
AD 22501Painting Fundmntals00000
EAPS 10002General Geology Lab00000
ENG W422Creativity & Community00000
ECE 30300Engineering Software Design00000
AD 30702Photography IV:Editorial Imgng00000
ECE 46000Power Electronics00000
EDUC G563Found Mntl Hlth Couns00000
ECE 69800Research MS Thesis00000
AD 33401Adv Metalsmithing II00000
ECET 39400Industrial Practice IV00000
ENG G302Struc Mod Eng (TESOL)00000
ECON 20101Intro To Microeconomics00000
AD 40301Graphic Dsgn V:Dig Preprs/Port00000
EDU 32700EC Soc St Mthds/Family Studies00000
EDUC K410Trends&Issues; Specl Ed00000
EDU 37001Intro Learning Disabilities00000
AD 43600Advanced Ceramics IV00000
EDU 44800Meth Teach H S Math00000
EDUC E327Soc St Mthds/Fam:Foc Yng Chldn00000
ANSC 10100Animal Agriculture00000
WOST W210Intro To Women's & Gender St00000
ANTH H445Hist & Theory Of Anthropology00000
EDUC M430Found Of Art Educ & Methods II00000
ANTH E402Gnd In Cross-Cultural Perspec00000
WOST 24000Reproductive Justice00000
ANTH 35600Polynesian Cultures00000
EDUC G524Pract In Counseling00000
BUS K327Deter Model Oper Res00000
AD 20101History Of Graphic Design I00000
DLTP D321Dental Lab Business Procedures00000
DHYG H217Prevent Dentistry00000
AD 20701Photography I: Portraiture00000
EALC E231Japan: The Living Tradition00000
ENG W129Intro Elementary Comp00000
EALC 20102Second Year Japanese I00000
AD 23501Ceramics Fundamental00000
EAPS 33400Prin Sedimen & Stratig00000
EDUC X401Crit Reading/Cont Area00000
ECE 27000Intro Digitl Sys Desgn00000
AD 30301Graphic Dsgn II:Identity&Brang00000
ECE 35800Intro To VHDL00000
ENG L322English Lit 1660-178900000
ECE 40602ECE Seminar00000
AD 31102Intermediate 3D Computer Mdlng00000
ECE 49600Electrical Engineer Projects00000
EDUC E337Classrm Learng Environ00000
ECE 56700FPGA Des For Sig Pro Apps00000
AD 33101Advanced Sculpture I00000
ECET 15200Electrical Circuits II00000
ENG W234Tech Report Writing00000
ECET 30700Analg Ntwrk Signl Proc00000
AD 34102Adv Printmaking I00000
ECET 49100Senior Des Prjct Phs II00000
EDUC M401Lab/Field Experience00000
ECON E430International Econ00000
AD 39003Women And The Arts00000
ECON 36001Public Finance Survey00000
ENG C622Creativity And Community00000
EDU 20100Laboratory/Field Experience00000
AD 40701Professional Practice Intnshp00000
EDU 33500Intro To Earl Chd Educ00000
EDUC M426Student Teaching:Early Childhd00000
EDU 35200Emergent Curriculum Methods00000
AD 43202Advanced Sculpture IV00000
EDU 40100Laboratory/Field Experience00000
VM 10200Career In Vet Medicine00000
AD 46700Entrepreneurship In The Arts00000
EDU 40101Crit Reading/Cont Area00000
EDUC M447Meth Teach Hs Engl00000
EDUC E355Inf And EC Mental Health00000
ENG B675Studies AM Ethinic & Minoritry00000
AD 20501History Of Photography00000
DLTP D320Dental Implants00000