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Hostos Course Reviews

Hostos Community College (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
NUR 112Maternal/Child00000
NUR 220Pharmacology00000
NUR 317Nursing Care of the Adult I00000
NUR 110LPN Clinical Nursing I00000
NUR 200Transition into Nursing00000
NUR 228Nursing Care of the Childrearing Family II00000
NUR 326Nursing Care of the Adult II00000
NUR 111Pharmacology00000
NUR 216Fundamentals of Nursing Practice00000
NUR 316Nursing Care of the Client with Mental Illness00000
NUR 120Clinical Nursing II00000
NUR 227Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family I00000
NUR 320Nursing Trends and Issues00000