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HCC Course Reviews

Honolulu Community College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MELE 101Survey of Mus & Ent Business00000
MELE 204Mus Pub in the Ent Industry00000
MELE 214Electronics for Audio Eng.00000
MELE 104Songwriting & Arranging Tech.00000
MELE 211Audio Engineering 100000
MELE 103Modern Music & Theory00000
MELE 205Concert & Event Production00000
MELE 215Sound Reinforcement00000
MELE 201Hist of the Rec & Ent Industry00000
MELE 206Music Supervision00000
MELE 220Audio Engineering II00000
MELE 202Pub Rel Mus & Ent Industry00000
MELE 212Digital Audio: Theory and DAW00000
MELE 275Practicum00000
MELE 102Survey of Recording Technology00000
MELE 203Intel Prop Mus & Ent Industry00000
MELE 213Studio Production00000
MELE 298MLive Audio for Media00000