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FSC Course Reviews

Farmingdale State College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CRJ 308LForensic Technology00000
DEN 207Oral Radiology II00000
BUS 322International Management00000
CON 496Capstone Project00000
BUS 445Advanced Business Analytics00000
BUS 254Principles of Selling00000
CSC 101Introduction to Computing00000
BIO 349LCell Biology Laboratory00000
BUS 390Special Topics: Quantitative Techniques in Finance00000
BIO 415Human Virology00000
CON 357Quantity Surveying and Costing00000
CHM 260LFundamentals of Organic CHEM00000
BUS 112Legal Environment Cannabis Ind00000
CRJ 115Computer Forensics00000
BIO 325Evolution00000
CRJ 405Corrections and Reentry00000
BUS 300Operations Management00000
DEN 015Skills Refresher Course00000
BIO 197Human Biology00000
DEN 302TPrinc of Dental Anesthesia00000
BIO 380Pre-Professional Experience I *AL00000
BUS 409Strategic Management00000
BIO 210Introduction to Bioscience00000
BUS 470Advanced Accounting00000
BIO 455Validation&Regulatory Affairs00000
CON 299Construction/Architecture Internship00000
CHM 380LBiochemistry00000
BUS 101Accounting I00000
CON 402LCivil Engineer Material Lab00000
BIO 310TIchthyology00000
CPS 401Applied Cryptography00000
BUS 209Teamwork & Team Building00000
CRJ 217Computer Forensics II00000
BIO 170THuman Anatomy & Physiology I00000
CRJ 350Courts and the Judiciary00000
BUS 271Intermediate Accounting I00000
CRJ 421Physical Security II00000
BIO 343TPrinciples of Genetics00000
CSC 251Discrete Structures00000
BUS 311Organizational Behavior00000
DEN 108Oral Histology & Embryology00000
BIO 123LHuman Body/Hlth & Disease Lab00000
DEN 225Clinical Dental Hygiene II00000
BUS 360Leadership Theories Practices00000
DEN 309Oral Epidemiology in Public Health00000
BIO 198TEntomology00000
BUS 400Quality Techniques00000
BIO 410Developmental Biology00000
BUS 411Financial Statement Analysis00000
BIO 130LBiological Principles I Lab00000
BUS 450WAmerican Business History (Writing Intensive)00000
BIO 441LMolecular Biology Lab00000
BUS 473Global Finance00000
BIO 220LMedical Microbiology Lab00000
CHM 270TOrganic Chemistry I00000
BIO 477LBioscience Internship A200000
CON 106Statics00000
CHM 481Chemistry Research II00000
BIO 483LBioscience Internship IV00000
CON 303THydraulics00000
BIO 270LAnatomy & Physiology I-Lab00000
CON 365Highway Design & Construction00000
BUS 111Introduction to Business00000
CON 407Building Commissioning00000
BIO 166LPrin Human Antomy & Physio Lab00000
CPS 205Digital Signal & Image Process00000
BUS 141Contemporary Bus Communication00000
CRJ 100Intro to Criminal Justice00000
BIO 316TGeneral Microbiology00000
CRJ 203Criminology00000
BUS 250Consumer Behavior00000
CRJ 300Forensic Psychology00000
BIO 121Health, Heredity and Behavior00000
CRJ 312Computer Security III00000
BUS 259Public Relations00000
CRJ 374Intelligence Operations00000
BIO 335LPlant Systematics Lab00000
CRJ 407TCrime Prevention Systems00000
BUS 278Business Project00000
CRJ 450Privacy and Equality00000
BIO 171THuman Anatomy & Physiology II00000
CSC 229Data Structures & Algorithms I00000
BUS 306Project & Contract Management00000
CSC 329Data Structures & AlgorithmsII00000
BIO 345Introduction to Bioinformatics00000
DEN 105LDental and Oral Anatomy (Lab)00000
BUS 320International Marketing00000
DEN 201TPain Management00000
BCS 450St: Cobol00000
DEN 220Preventive OralHealth ConcptII00000
BUS 345Foundations Business Analytics00000
DEN 240Den Prac Mgt: Ethics & Juris00000
BIO 360Principals Of Immunobiology00000
BUS 370Counterproductive Behavior Org00000
BCS 240Website Development II00000
BCS 460WIndependent Study- Writing Intensive00000
BIO 131TBiological Principles II00000
BIO 221TOral Microbiology00000
BIO 480LBioscience Internship I *AL00000
CIV 411Water & Wastewater Systems00000