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FAMU Course Reviews

Florida A&M University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BSC 1011LGeneral Bio II Lab12311
ARH 3610American Art00000
BSC 2093LAnatomy & Physio Lab00000
CDA 4102Computer Architecture00000
BME 5910Supervised Research00000
ARC 4293Spec Studies Arc III00000
CCJ 2010Intro Crim Justice00000
AGR 5616Seed Sci/Technology00000
AMH 4930Sel Topics Amer His00000
ART 3947Introduction To Non-Profit Art Organizations00000
ATE 2638Veterinary Clinical Pathology00000
BME 3100Biomaterials00000
ARC 2303Arch Design 2.100000
BOT 5506Adv Plant Physiology00000
AGG 5825Statistical Methods In Research I00000
BUL 5323Legal Issues & Envir00000
ARC 5362Architectural Dsgn 200000
CCJ 4933Spe Top Juvenile Law00000
AEB 3450Introduction to Natural Resource & Environmental Economics00000
CES 4605Steel Design00000
AMH 3560Women American His00000
ASI 1920Academic Support00000
AEB 4906Prob In Agri Econ00000
AML 3311Maj Figures Amer Lit00000
ATE 3659Animal Nursing & Restraint00000
ATE 4317Introduction To Veterinary Hospital Management00000
BCN 3797Construction Mgmt I00000
ARC 1050Design 1.100000
BME 4404CQuantitative Anatomy and Systems Physiology II00000
AFR 4212FSUNatl Sec Aff, Adprep(Fsu)00000
BOT 1010Elementary Botany00000
ARC 3325Arch Design 3.200000
BSC 1010EGeneral Biology I00000
ADV 3008FSUPrin Of Advertising00000
BSC 4931Biol Pro-Seminar II00000
ARC 5206Advanced Architectural Theory & Philosophy00000
CCE 4004Construction Engineering00000
AGR 3232Pasture & Range Mgmt00000
CCJ 4662ERace, Class, & Justi00000
ARC 6910Introduction to Thesis Planning & Research00000
CCJ 4947Field Exper Crm Just00000
ACG 2021Financial Acct Principles00000
CEG 5127Hwy Airportpavemt De00000
ART 2301CDrawing II00000
CES 5325Bridge Engineering00000
AEB 4261Agricultural Policy00000
ART 4926CMedia Wrksh: Elec Im00000
AMH 4202Twentieth Century United States History00000
ATE 1741Veterinary Medical Terminology00000
ACG 3101Intermediate Acc I00000
ATE 3615Veterinary Pharmacology00000
AML 2010EAmerican Liter I00000
ATE 3905Direct Individual Study00000
AEB 5555Econometrics00000
AML 4610African-American Novel00000
BCH 4033Biochemistry I00000
BCH 4042Proteins00000
BCN 3566CElectro-Mech Systems00000
ANT 3212Peoples Of The World00000
BCN 4782Comp Appl Const Mgmt00000
AFR 2130FSUEvol Of Usaf Air Spc00000
BME 3702Biocomputations00000
ARC 1302Design 1.200000
BME 4801Biomedical Engineering Process Design I00000
ACG 4942Acc Internship II00000
BME 6980Dissertation00000
ARC 2701Architectural Hist I00000
BOT 3303Plant Morphology00000
AGG 4056Applications Of The Natural Sciences In The Food & Agricultu...00000
BSC 1005LFSUBiological Sci Lab00000
ARC 3703Architect History 300000
BSC 2011LFSUBiological Science Lab II00000
ABE 4232Water Mgt Sys Design00000
BSC 4434Introduction To Bioinformatics00000
ARC 4342Arch Design 4.200000
BSC 8976Masters Comp Exam00000
AGG 5920Colloquium00000
CAP 4106Ubiquitous & Handheld Programming00000
ARC 5291Spec Studies Arch I00000
CCE 5212ESustainable and Green Construction00000
AEB 3143Agricultural Finance00000
CCJ 3129Multicult. Perspectives. - Adolescence & Adolescent Developm...00000
ARC 6357Grad Dsgn 6.100000
CCJ 4700HBResh Mtds Crim Just00000
AGR 5322Plant Breeding00000
CCJ 4936Spe Top Amer Cri Pro00000
ARC 6976Thesis Reflection & Documentation00000
CCJ 5934Cont Issues Crm Just00000
ABE 3212Natural Resources Conservation Engineering00000
CEG 4801Geotechnical Design00000
ARH 4633African-American Art00000
CEN 5075Software Sys Eng00000
AMH 2020EUs History 1865-Pres00000
BCN 1221CBuilding Const I00000
ART 2430CSilkscreen Printmaking00000
ABE 2001LIntroduction to Computer Applications00000
ABE 3614LBio-Thermodynamics - Lab00000
ACG 4501Governmental/Not-For-Profit Accounting00000
AFA 4936Sr Sem Afro-Am Stud00000
ANS 3264Swine Sciences00000