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ESF Course Reviews

State University of New York of Environmental Science and Forestry

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AAS 112Introduction to African American Studies00000
AAS 300Selected Topics00000
AAS 312Pan Africanism00000
AAS 400Selected Topics00000
AAS 511Black Political Thought In Music00000
AAS 611Arts, Cultures and Literatures of the Pan African World00000
AAS 303Black Women Writers00000
AAS 361Art of the Black World00000
AAS 425"Revolt of the Black Athlete": Africana Studies and the Hist...00000
AAS 610Seminar in Pan Africanism: Research and Reading00000
AAS 304Workshop:African American Theater00000
AAS 364African International Relations00000
AAS 427New York City: Black Women Domestic Workers00000
AAS 627New York City: Black Women Domestic Workers00000
AAS 231African American Literature to 1900: An Introduction00000
AAS 332African American History: Through the 19th Century00000
AAS 402Slavery and Abolition00000
AAS 600Selected Topics00000
AAS 138Writing About Black Culture00000
AAS 306African American Politics00000
AAS 365International Political Economy of the Third World00000
AAS 525Research Methods in African American Studies00000
AAS 997Master's Thesis00000