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EFSC Palm Bay Course Reviews

Eastern Florida State College, Palm Bay

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MAN 2021Business Management Principles00000
BSCC 2093Human Anatomy and Physiology 100000
ACG 2071Managerial Accounting00000
EVR 2948Service-Learning Field Studies 100000
CGS 1000Exploring Digital Technology00000
MEAC 1205Clinical Competencies00000
SPC 2300Interpersonal Communication00000
EETC 1142Analog Circuits00000
BSCC 1011General Biology 200000
ETIC 2460Composites Fundamentals00000
ENCV 0025Developmental Writing 200000
COP 3330Object Oriented Programming00000
IDH 2003HHonors Seminar 300000
HUM 2211HHonors Humanities Survey: Ancient through Byzantine Culture00000
CRW 2948Service-Learning Field Studies 100000
POS 2041American National Government00000
QMB 3250Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions00000
AMH 2010US History to 187700000
CHM 2210Organic Chemistry 100000
CGS 2100Microcomputer Applications00000
ENC 2210Technical Writing00000
CCJ 2948Service-Learning Field Studies 100000
CHML 2210Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory00000
CHML 1046General Chemistry 2 Laboratory00000
EUH 2948Service Learning Field Studies 100000
EGS 1006Introduction to the Engineering Profession00000
CTS 1383Microsoft Server O/S Installation and Configuration00000
HSCC 1000Introduction to Healthcare00000
ETMC 1010Mechanical Measurement00000
COP 2805Advanced Java Programming00000
FIL 1002Appreciation of the Motion Picture 100000
MAC 2311Calculus 1 with Analytic Geometry00000
ISM 4300Information Systems Operations Management00000
CETC 1123Microprocessor Fundamentals00000
MGF 1106Topics in Math00000
PHYC 2054College Physics 200000
REL 2948Service-Learning Field Studies 100000
ECO 2013Principles of Economics 1 (Macroeconomics)00000
THE 2000Theatre Appreciation00000
SOW 1053Human Service Experience 300000
AST 1002Introduction to Astronomy00000
BSC 2077Career Exploration in Biology00000
CEN 4949Internship00000
ASL 1140American Sign Language 100000
CHM 2941Chemistry Internship00000
CHMC 3005Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences00000
BSCC 2948Service-Learning Field Studies 100000
ETI 1701Industrial Safety00000
CET 2894Capstone in Cybersecurity00000
BSCC 1084Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology00000
CHM 1046General Chemistry 200000
ETP 1420Solar Thermal Technologies00000
COP 1000Principles of Programming00000
CLP 1001Psychology of Human Adjustment00000
CRW 2001Creative Writing 100000
FFP 2120Building Construction and Codes00000
EETC 1141Analog Devices00000
DEP 2004Developmental Psychology00000
FIL 1003Appreciation of the Motion Picture 200000
ENC 1101HHonors Composition 100000
COP 2335C++ Programming Advanced00000
ETI 1420Manufacturing Processes and Materials00000
HUM 2249Humanities Survey: Enlightenment through 21st Century00000
ETSC 1240Fiber Optic Technologies00000
CEN 4025Software Development 200000
FFP 2510Fire Protection Codes and Standards00000
LIT 1000HHonors Introduction to Literature00000
HSC 4851Health Sciences Internship00000
COP 4849Web Applications Programming00000
HUM 2948Service-Learning Field Studies 100000
MAT 1033Intermediate Algebra00000
MAC 1140Precalculus Algebra00000
ASL 2200American Sign Language 400000
MATV 0057Modularized Developmental Mathematics00000
MGF 1107Explorations in Mathematics00000
PHY 2048General Physics 100000
CTSC 1134Network+00000
PSY 2948Service-Learning Field Studies 100000
PSY 2012HHonors General Psychology 100000
SOW 1051Human Service Experience 100000
CGS 2948Service-Learning Field Studies 100000
STA 2023Statistics00000
SBM 2000Small Business Management00000
ACG 3024Accounting for Managers00000
EDF 2130Child and Adolescent Development for Educators00000
ANT 2410Cultural Anthropology00000
SPN 2221Spanish 400000
BSCC 1005Fundamentals of Biology00000
ACG 4341Cost Accounting00000
CCJ 1020American Criminal Justice00000
AMH 2010HAmerican Hist Honors00000
CETC 1114Digital Fundamentals00000
EME 2040Introduction to Technology for Educators00000
AST 1002HHonors Introduction to Astronomy00000
ACG 2021Financial Accounting00000
AMH 2948Service-Learning Field Studies 100000
CCJ 1010Criminology00000
CLP 2140HHonors Abnormal Psychology00000
FFP 2610Origin and Cause00000
EDF 1005Introduction to the Teaching Profession00000