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ECU Course Reviews

East Carolina University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 1060Environmental Biology43331
BIOL 1061Environmental Biology Laboratory43331
ART 6223Problems in Photography00000
ART 2560Painting Survey: Materials and Methods00000
ART 6942Twentieth-Century Modern Art: 1950-200000000
ART 4564Advanced Painting V00000
ANTH 5203SpeTopBioAnth Forensic Anth00000
ART 6560Problems in Painting00000
AERO 2201Leadership Lab00000
ART 3100Ceramics Studio III00000
ANAT 7345Cell Motility00000
ART 3420Cinematography, Lighting and Audio Capture00000
ART 4315Surface and Woven Structure00000
ANTH 4000Cultures of the Middle East00000
ART 5311Metal Design Studio Ix00000
ADRE 8210Advanced Pedagogy in Rehabilitation Counseling00000
ART 6335Problems in Weaving and Fiber Design00000
ART 2210Graphic Design Studio I00000
ART 6702Problems in Sculpture00000
ADRE 2003Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Health and Social Problem00000
ARTH 4905Selected Topics in Art History00000
AERO 4403Leadership Lab00000
ART 3260Intermediate Darkroom Photography00000
ADRE 4995Rehabilitation Services Internship00000
ART 3511Directed Field Study in Studio Art00000
ANTH 2005Environmental Anthropology (Semester at Coast)00000
ART 3600Printmaking Studio III00000
ART 4215Graphic Design Studio VII00000
ANTH 3030Death And Disease In The Classical World00000
ART 4411Professional Practice00000
ADRE 6793Treatment in Addictions and Clinical Counseling00000
ART 4712Sculpture Studio IX00000
ANTH 4550Anthropology Honors00000
ART 6103Problems in Ceramics00000
ADED 6491Research Problems in Adult Education00000
ART 6301Problems in Metal Design00000
ART 2070Animation/Interactive Design Survey00000
ART 6510Directed Graduate Field Study in Art00000
ADRE 8810Doctoral Seminar in Rehabilitation Counseling00000
ART 6602Problems in Printmaking00000
ART 2321Metal Design Studio III (Raising, Spinning, Chasing, Repouss...00000
ART 6805Interdisciplinary Topics in Visual Art Education00000
ACCT 6701Regulation00000
ARTH 1906Art History Survey00000
ART 2870Computers in Art Education00000
ARTH 4944Studies in Contemporary Art: Post 1960s Art00000
ADRE 4400Introduction to Vocational Evaluation00000
ART 3210Graphic Design Studio III00000
ANAT 7202Molecular Cell Biology00000
ART 3306Textile Industry Portfolio00000
ACCT 6921Advanced Taxation of Partnerships00000
ART 3468Advanced Television Studio Production00000
ANTH 1000Introduction to Anthropology00000
ART 3555Drawing Media and Technique00000
ADRE 6250Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental and Emotional Disorders00000
ART 3810Intermediate Glass I00000
ANTH 2200Introduction to Cultural Anthropology00000
ART 3920Asian Art00000
ART 4140Ceramics Studio X00000
ANTH 3017Cultures of Mexico and Guatemala00000
ART 4260Introduction to Alternative Photographic Processes00000
ADRE 6370Multicultural Issues in Clinical, Addictions, and Rehabilita...00000
ART 4335Contemporary Issues in Weaving00000
ANTH 3117Prehistory of the Middle East00000
ART 4551Selected Problems in Drawing00000
ADED 6453The Adult Learner00000
ART 4650Printmaking Studio X00000
ANTH 4400Human Skeletal Analysis00000
ART 4920Nineteenth-Century Art00000
ADRE 6992Internship in Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation Counseling00000
ART 6000Readings in Art00000
ANTH 5015Advanced Ethnographic Methods and Theory00000
ART 6200Problems in Communication Arts00000
ACCT 6301Fraud Examination00000
ART 6228Problems in Photography00000
ART 1905The Dimensions Of Art00000
ART 6311Problems in Metal Design00000
ADRE 8531Independent Study00000
ART 6371Problems in Metal Design00000
ART 2123Early Experiences for the Prospective Teacher00000
ART 6550Problems in Drawing00000
ADED 6989Internship in Adult Education00000
ART 6565Problems in Painting00000
ART 2301Metal Design Studio I (Jewelry)00000
ART 6606Problems in Printmaking00000
AERO 1101Leadership Lab00000
ART 6707Problems in Sculpture00000
ART 2430Critical Film Analysis in the Progression of Production Tech...00000
ART 6917Ceramic History of North Carolina and the Southeastern Unite...00000
ACCT 3551Intermediate Accounting I00000
ART 6992Problems in Interdisciplinary Studies in Art00000
ART 2715Sculpture Studio I00000
ARTH 3935Italian Baroque Art: 1600-170000000
AERO 3302Leading People and Effective Communication II00000
ART 4000Community Arts Management00000
ART 3070Electronic Interactive Multimedia00000
AAAS 4000Senior Seminar00000
ACCT 4611Taxation for Decision Making00000
ADED 6003Special Topics: Adult Educational and Gaming00000
ADRE 6340Human Growth and Development in Clinical, Addictions and Reh...00000