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Drake Course Reviews

Drake University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CS 066Intro to Cs II54551
FIN 197Seminar in Finance52451
HIST 022East Asian Since 160054531
IS 044Mcrsft Tls for Bus Anlyss55241
WLC 148Intercultural Communication22231
JAPN 153Japanese Lang & Cult Issues I43541
ASL 001Begin American Sign Language I00000
ABA 293Advanced Supervised Practicum00000
BCMB 138Research Mentorship00000
BIO 120Ecosystem Ecology00000
CHIN 001Beginning Chinese I00000
ACTS 132Introduction To Probability II00000
BIO 165Cell Biology00000
ART 165Advanced Drawing00000
ABA 246Ethics And Professional Issues00000
ATHL 262Lev Ib Clinical Exp: Trad & Em00000
CHEM 131Biochem I: Fundamentals Lab00000
BIO 108Infectious Diseases00000
ACCT 175Auditing Principles00000
BIO 133LKinesiology Lab00000
BIO 128LZoo Biology00000
BLAW 060Business Law I00000
COUN 216Theories and Technq of Couns00000
ART 058Intro To Intaglio Printmaking00000
ART 078Recycle And Repurpose00000
BIO 134Exercise Physiology00000
ART 100Design Issues00000
ART 158Printmaking: Advanced Intaglio00000
ENSP 026Ethological Methods Lab00000
ART 179Advanced Sculpture I00000
CHEM 061Intermediate Inorganic Chem00000
ASTR 180Independent Study00000
ABA 265Behavioral Interventions00000
ATHL 280Research00000
BIO 117Ecology00000
BIO 012PLBiology Concepts Application00000
ACCT 115Cost Accounting00000
BIO 113Vertebrate Biology00000
CHEM 170Expl in Computational Chem00000
BIO 129Mammalian Physiology00000
ACCT 278Internal Auditing00000
BIO 139Kinesiology Capstone00000
BIO 095Medical Microbiology00000
BIO 188Structural Biology00000
ACTS 161Short-Term Actuarial Math I00000
BLAW 245Law In The Workplace00000
BIO 131Biochemistry00000
ART 064Paint and Story00000
COUN 236Group Procedures00000
ART 081Forging the Imagination00000
BIO 103Microbiology00000
ART 103Art Of India, China, And Japan00000
COUN 260Counseling Practicum00000
ART 109Modern Art History00000
ART 115Advanced Typography00000
BUS 298Organizational Social Responsi00000
COUN 290School Counseling Internship00000
ART 119Material World Of Art00000
ART 155Research & Application00000
ENG 173Critical Theory00000
ART 161App Design & Development00000
CHEM 010Chemistry Connections III00000
ART 176Sr Studio Art Capstone Paint00000
ENSP 041Principles Of Geology00000
ART 192Ba Senior Capstone-Pntg00000
BIO 111Evolved Foodways00000
ASTR 001Descript Astronomy00000
ABA 262Principles Behavior Analysis00000
ATHL 251Evaluation Of Injuries I00000
CHEM 012Food And Health00000
ATHL 271Health Care Systems & Policies00000
ABA 272Supervision And Performance00000
BCMB 005Intro Molecular Sciences00000
BIO 092Introduction To Ethnobotany00000
BCMB 199Bcmb Research00000
ACCT 090Profit Planning And Control00000
BIO 103LMicrobiology Lab00000
CHEM 155Adv Organic Chem00000
BIO 110Iowa Natural History00000
ACCT 165Financial Acct I00000
BIO 116Bioinformatics00000
BIO 123Biology of Invertebrates00000
BIO 127Histology00000
ACCT 275Seminar In Auditing00000
BIO 131LBiochemistry Lab00000
CHEM 195Junior Seminar I00000
BIO 136LMotor Control & Learning Lab00000
ACTS 121Introduction to Derivatives00000
BIO 145Bio Peer Learning Assistant00000
BIO 033Strength & Conditioning00000
BIO 182Immunology00000
ACTS 150Life Ins Math I00000
BIO 197LUndergrad Research00000
CHIN 150Chinese Lang & Cltr00000
ART 126Questioning Paint00000
CS 065Intro to Cs I00000
ART 139Intermediate Sculpture I00000
ART 147Printmaking: Relief II00000
ART 021Digital Media00000