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Drake Course Reviews

Drake University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 012General/Pre-Professional Bio I2.532.522
MGMT 110Organizational Behavior11111
FIN 197Seminar in Finance52451
CS 066Intro to Cs II54551
HIST 022East Asian Since 160054531
CHEM 003General Chem Lab I54551
WLC 148Intercultural Communication22231
IS 044Mcrsft Tls for Bus Anlyss55241
JAPN 153Japanese Lang & Cult Issues I43541
CHEM 001Gen Chem I Si43541
ART 161App Design & Development00000
ART 151Publication Design00000
AIRS 151Team & Ldrshp Fundamentals00000
ACTS 120LTheory of Interest Lab00000
ART 178Special Problems In Drawing II00000
AIRS 252Tm & Ldrshp Fndmtl II00000
ASL 002American Sign Language II00000
ATHL 150Advanced Topics In At00000
ART 014Constructing Space00000
ATHL 264Lev IIa Clinical Exp: At Immer00000
BCMB 099Bcmb Prof Developmnt00000
ACCT 125Cost Mgmt Systems00000
ACTS 145RModels For Financial Econ Revi00000
ART 056Introduction to Printmaking00000
BIO 012LGen/Pre-Prof Bio I Lab00000
BIO 019LBotany Lab00000
ART 147Printmaking: Relief II00000
AIRS 103Intrm Leadership Lab & Train00000
ART 157Printmaking: Advanced Relief00000
ACCT 278Internal Auditing00000
ART 166Advanced Drawing II00000
AIRS 173Situation Ldshp Lab00000
ART 192Ba Senior Capstone-Pntg00000
ACCT 105Accounting Information Systems00000
ASTR 041Astronomical Techniques00000
ARAB 052Intermediate Arabic II00000
ATHL 251Evaluation Of Injuries I00000
ACTS 132Introduction To Probability II00000
ATHL 280Research00000
ART 021Digital Media00000
BCMB 198Bcmb Internship00000
ABA 272Supervision And Performance00000
BIO 015Intro To Biology00000
ART 063Pushing Paint00000
ACCT 166Financial Acct II00000
BIO 025Animal Behavior00000
ACTS 160Credibility And Simulation00000
ART 074Intro To Art00000
ART 078Recycle And Repurpose00000
ACTS 165Short-Term Actuarial Math II00000
ART 080Sculpture II00000
ART 090Drawing in Time00000
ABA 292Supervised Practicum in Aba00000
ACCT 175Auditing Principles00000
ACTS 198Applied Business Analysis00000
ART 100Design Issues00000
ART 102Graphic Design Theory & Pract00000
ART 140Intermediate Sculpture II00000
AIRS 091Evol Of Usaf Air & Space Power00000
ART 149Printmaking: Lithography II00000
ACCT 276It Auditing00000
ART 155Research & Application00000
AIRS 131Air Force Ldrship Studies I00000
ART 159Printmaking: Adv Lithography00000
ACCT 042Intro to Managerial Accounting00000
ART 164Painting Thesis II00000
AIRS 171Advcnd Leadership Lab & Train00000
ART 176Sr Studio Art Capstone Paint00000
ACTS 050Intro To Actuarial Science00000
ART 180Advanced Sculpture II00000
AIRS 192National Security Studies00000
ART 199Art & Theory00000
ABA 267Evidence-Based Teaching00000
ASTR 001Descript Astronomy00000
ARAB 002Beginning Arabic II00000
ASTR 185Intro Astrophysics I00000
ACTS 131LProbability I Lab00000
ATHL 202Athletic Training Seminar II00000
ARAB 170Independent Study00000
ATHL 261Lev Ia Clinical Exp: Fdn Obser00000
ACCT 115Cost Accounting00000
ATHL 271Health Care Systems & Policies00000
ART 016Concepts in Drawing00000
ATHL 284Athletic Training Seminar IV00000
ACTS 141Stat Modeling/Data Analysis I00000
BCMB 138Research Mentorship00000
ART 051Typography00000
BCMB 199Bcmb Research00000
ABA 262Principles Behavior Analysis00000
BIO 013Gen Bio II Supplemental Inst00000
ART 058Intro To Intaglio Printmaking00000
BIO 018LAnatomy/Physiology Lab00000
ACTS 151Life Ins Math II00000
AI 036The Nature of Intelligence00000
ART 104Freedom/Slavery/Emancipation00000
ART 109Modern Art History00000
ACCT 186Business Entity Taxation00000
AIRS 004Intro Leadership Lab & Train00000
ART 114Web Design00000
ART 116Content & Audience00000