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Dickinson Course Reviews

Dickinson College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 131General Chemistry I with Lab41351
PSYC 135Psychology of Women and Gender54551
INBM 240Marketing in a Global Context54541
BIOL 131Introduction to Organisms, Populations, and Ecosystems: Topi...54541
ANTH 101Introduction to Cultural Anthropology53531
FMST 211Screenwriting00000
COMP 256Computing Abstractions00000
GRMN 350German Music and Politics00000
HIST 259Islam00000
ARTH 391Painting and Poetry in Chinese Art00000
ECON 214Behavioral Economics00000
INST 170International Relations00000
ERSC 318Advanced Applications in GIS00000
CLST 140Ancient Worlds on Film00000
GREK 102Beginning Attic Greek00000
ARTH 216Goddesses, Prostitutes, Wives, Saints, and Rulers: Women and...00000
HIST 130Early Latin American History to 180000000
EASN 108Arts of East Asia00000
HIST 371The Arab-Israeli Conflict00000
ANTH 300Archaeological Theory and Interpretation00000
ITAL 102Elementary Italian00000
BIOL 132Introduction to Molecules, Genes, and Cells: Topics in Micro...00000
ECON 374Econometrics00000
EDST 310Policies Shaping American Education00000
ARCH 120Greek Art & Archaeology00000
BIOL 325Plant Physiology w/Lab00000
ENGL 220Introduction to Literary Studies00000
ERSC 221Oceanography00000
CHEM 342Structure and Function of Biomolecules w/Lab00000
FLST 101Introduction to Film Studies00000
ARTH 130Art and Sustainability00000
FREN 236Introduction to Cultural Analysis00000
COMP 130Introduction to Computing00000
GRMN 211Introduction to German Intellectual History00000
ANTH 240Qualitative Methods00000
HEST 400Senior Seminar in Health Studies00000
COMP 393Cyber Security00000
HIST 217Medicine and The Body in East Asia00000
ARTH 305Modern Design in East Asia00000
HIST 286New Nation00000
EASN 305Modern Design in East Asia00000
HUMN 315Rings of Norwich: England as seen from the East00000
ANTH 205Music and Sound Ethnography00000
INST 282Diplomatic History of the United States00000
ECON 298Econometrics00000
ITAL 232Reading and Performing Italian Texts00000
ARBI 101Elementary Arabic00000
EDST 130History of American Education00000
BIOL 313Cell Biology w/Lab00000
EDST 391Public History00000
ANTH 216Medical Anthropology00000
ENGL 311Revolutionary Milton00000
BIOL 332Natural History of Vertebrates w/Lab00000
ENGL 403Questions and Methods of Literary Scholarship00000
ENST 162Integrative Environmental Science00000
ARCH 202Reality, Idealism, Beauty, and Power: Topics in the Art & Ar...00000
BIOL 343Metabolism00000
ENST 305Ornithology00000
ERSC 151Foundations of Earth Sciences00000
CHEM 242Organic Chemistry II with Lab00000
ERSC 307Paleontology00000
ARTH 101An Introduction to the History of Art00000
ERSC 335Global Geophysics and Tectonics00000
CHIN 362Advanced Chinese II00000
FMST 101Introduction to Film Studies00000
ANTH 232Modern China and Its Diaspora Communities00000
FREN 102Elementary French00000
CLST 390Senior Research Colloquium00000
FREN 363From "baragouiner" to "kiffer:" Mutilingual French Identitie...00000
ARTH 209The Japanese Woodblock Print00000
GRMN 101German in Everyday Life00000
COMP 203Information Security00000
GRMN 215German Environments00000
AMST 404Senior Research Seminar in American Studies00000
HEBR 201Intermediate Modern Hebrew00000
COMP 352Computer Networks00000
HIST 117American History 1607 to 187700000
ARTH 252Philosophy of Art00000
HIST 204Introduction to Historical Methodology00000
CRWR 317Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction00000
HIST 247Early American History00000
ANTH 256Health and Healing in Africa00000
HIST 273African Americans Since Slavery00000
EASN 204East Asian Cinema00000
HIST 315Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japanese History00000
ARTH 326Intaglio Printmaking00000
HIST 378Society and the Sexes00000
ECON 111Introduction to Microeconomics00000
AFST 400Writing in Africana Studies00000
INST 272International Terrorism00000
ECON 278Intermediate Microeconomic Theory00000
INST 35819th-20th Century European Diplomacy00000
ASTR 110Stars, Galaxies, and Beyond!00000
ENST 318Advanced Applications in GIS00000
BIOL 423Plant Physiological Ecology w/Lab00000
ENST 345Agroecology00000
ENST 370Environment and Society00000
ECON 349Development Economics00000
AFST 171African History since 180000000
AMST 202Workshop in Cultural Analysis00000