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Delta State Course Reviews

Delta State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHE 321Organic Chemistry I00000
CML 509Technology in Education00000
BIO 512Medical Botany00000
CEL 318Prin & Tech Tchg in Middle Gr00000
CAV 352Commercial Pilot Ground00000
BIO 349Human Anatomy00000
CIS 235Microcomputer Applications II00000
ART 381Cinema Studio I00000
BIO 592Special Topics: Bioinformatics00000
ART 430Advanced Ceramics00000
CED 620Human Growth/Development00000
CAV 383Aviation Internship00000
BIO 229Surv of Human Anat/Physiology00000
CEL 712Leadership Roles in Elem Educ00000
ART 267Furniture Design00000
CHE 481Independent Rsrch in Chemistry00000
BIO 440Evolution and Systematics00000
CIS 485Comp Info Systems Internship00000
AMU 171Trombone00000
CRJ 461Drugs and Society00000
ART 410Beyond Basic Digital Photograp00000
BIS 410Capstone Project00000
AMU 310Percussion00000
CAV 363Multi-Engine Flight00000
ART 465Painting I00000
CED 605Group Counseling00000
CAV 420Air Carrier Equip Operation I00000
ART 592Special Topics in Art: Paintin00000
CED 758Advanced Counseling Practicum00000
ART 201Methods in Art00000
CEL 612Development, Assessment & Eval00000
BIO 319Apppl & Envrnmntl Microbiology00000
CHE 110The Chemical World00000
AMU 111Oboe00000
CHE 432Introduction to Polymer Scienc00000
BIO 414Environmental Geology00000
CHE 575Theoretical Chemistry00000
ART 331Package Design00000
CIS 345Info Tech Hardware & Software00000
BIO 470Internship00000
CIS 618Business Intelligence00000
ACC 676Advanced Auditing00000
CRJ 336Juvenile Delinquency00000
BIO 547Parasitology00000
CRJ 525Juvenile Justice00000
AMU 191Tuba00000
BIS 310Intrdiscp Research/Application00000
ART 415Portfolio and Process00000
CAV 260Aircraft Engine Operation00000
ACC 694Prof Accounting Exam Review I00000
CAV 357Aerodynamics00000
ART 433Pottery Workshop00000
CAV 374Federal Aviation Regulations00000
AMU 345Harpsichord00000
CAV 390Instru Fligt Instr Grd/Flight00000
ART 470Adv. Studio Prcts in Painting00000
CED 600Intro to Counseling & Prof Eth00000
CAV 620Airline Management00000
ART 492Special Topics in Art00000
CED 616Social & Cultural Foundations00000
ART 101Introduction to Art00000
CED 703Psychodiagnostics in Counselin00000
BIO 110Biology and Human Concerns00000
CEL 301Intro to Elementary Education00000
AED 725Dstrct Lvl Ldrshp Roles/Fnctns00000
CEL 496Directed Tchg Internship00000
BIO 300Cell Biology00000
CEL 630Practicum in Elementary Ed00000
ART 230Introductory Ceramics00000
CHE 102General Chemistry II00000
BIO 328Genetics00000
CHE 311Quantitative Analysis00000
ACC 600Managerial Accounting00000
CHE 351Phys Chem for Life Sciences00000
BIO 410Plant Anatomy00000
CHE 441Biochemistry II00000
ART 327Digital Illstrtn/Graphic Dsgnr00000
CHE 541Biochemistry II00000
BIO 428Endocrinology00000
CHE 674Chem & Phys Thermodynamics00000
AMU 141Saxophone00000
CIS 312Enterprise Res Plng Sytms Conf00000
BIO 459Conservation Biology00000
CIS 375Prncpls/Info Security & Assura00000
ART 355Watercolor Painting00000
CIS 495Software Topics00000
BIO 504Economic Botany00000
CIS 624Enterprise Resource Planning00000
ACC 380Governmental Accounting00000
COD 528Sociology of Housing00000
BIO 523Histology00000
CRJ 431Gender, Law and Crime00000
ART 406Fiber Design I00000
BIO 563Wildlife Habitat Management00000
ACC 311Intermediate Accounting00000
ACC 475Auditing00000
AED 701Intro to Educational Ldrshp00000
AMU 381Euphonium00000
ART 477Sculpture V00000
CAV 670Air Cargo/Logistics Management00000