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CWU Course Reviews

Central Washington University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 107Being Human: Past & Present00000
ANTH 180Language and Culture00000
ANTH 313Primate Social Behavior00000
ANTH 322World Prehistory00000
ANTH 347Native American Cultures of North America00000
ANTH 357Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Health...00000
ANTH 384Language and Gender00000
ANTH 413Research Methods in Primatology00000
ANTH 486Advanced Methods in Archaeology00000
ANTH 499Implementing NAGPRA: Letter of the Law and Spirit of the Law00000
ANTH 110LABBiological Anthropology Laboratory00000
ANTH 201Grade 1 Animal Technician00000
ANTH 318Introduction to Forensics00000
ANTH 344Cultures of Asia00000
ANTH 354Anthropology of Religion00000
ANTH 380Nonverbal Communication00000
ANTH 411Primate Conservation00000
ANTH 421Archaeological Theory00000
ANTH 446Anthropology of Globalization00000
ANTH 488Advanced Research in Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 130Cultural Worlds00000
ANTH 312Human Origins: The Fossil Evidence00000
ANTH 324North American Archaeology00000
ANTH 351Visual Anthropology00000
ANTH 359Survey of Music in Cross-Cultural Perspectives00000
ANTH 398Intro to Contemporary Europe: Anthropological Perspective00000
ANTH 426Stone Tool Analysis00000
ANTH 458Anthropology Senior Comprehensive Survey00000
ANTH 490Cooperative Education00000
ANTH 137Race, Power and the American Dream00000
ANTH 310Research/Laboratory in Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 315Forensic Skeletal Analysis00000
ANTH 333Culture and Marriage00000
ANTH 353Childhood and Culture00000
ANTH 362Museum Curation and Management00000
ANTH 410Biological Anthropology: Theoretical and Research Issues00000
ANTH 425Zooarcheaology00000
ANTH 451History and Theory of Anthropology00000
ANTH 487Field Linguistics00000
ANTH 110Bones, Apes, and Genes: Exploring Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 301Anthropology: Principles and Assessment00000
ANTH 321Archaeological Methods00000
ANTH 346Cultures of Latin America and the Caribbean00000
ANTH 356Gender Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspective00000
ANTH 382Descriptive Linguistics00000
ANTH 418Monkeys of Asia and Africa00000
ANTH 440Ecology and Culture00000
ANTH 460Meaning in a Material World00000
ANTH 497Forensics Capstone00000
ANTH 120Archaeology: Science of the Past00000
ANTH 184Padstone (Practice and Delivery)00000
ANTH 314Human Variation00000
ANTH 325Prehistory of the Pacific Northwest00000
ANTH 352The Anthropology of Environmental Issues00000
ANTH 360Introduction to Museum Studies00000
ANTH 409Forensics Capstone00000
ANTH 419Lemurs and Lorises00000
ANTH 444Ethnographic Field Methods00000
ANTH 485Method and Theory in Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 492Anthropological Teaching Experience00000