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CSP Course Reviews

Concordia University Saint Paul

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHD 400Introduction to Early Childhood Education00000
CHD 402Writing for Educators00000
CHD 410Growth and Development of Children00000
CHD 411Child Social and Emotional Growth00000
CHD 422Human Diversity and Relations00000
CHD 430Infants and Toddlers00000
CHD 435Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Childhood Edu...00000
CHD 440Children's Play and Learning00000
CHD 445Language Development and Emergent Literacy00000
CHD 450Children's Literature00000
CHD 451Dual Language Learners00000
CHD 461Ethics in Early Childhood00000
CHD 482Young Child with Special Needs00000
CHD 490Portfolio and Synthesis00000