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CSI Course Reviews

College of Staten Island (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 146Nutrition00000
BIO 171General Biology I Laboratory00000
BIO 213Vertebrate Zoology00000
BIO 225Conservation Biology00000
BIO 237Cell Biology00000
BIO 310Vertebrate Zoology00000
BIO 316Clinical Microbiology00000
BIO 322Evolution00000
BIO 327Molecular Biology00000
BIO 346General Virology00000
BIO 360Ecology00000
BIO 376Biochemistry II00000
BIO 442Immunology00000
BIO 460Experimental Methods in Advanced Genetics00000
BIO 593Biology Ind Study00000
BIO 682Advanced Pharmacology00000
BIO 722Marine Ecology00000
BIO 743Cellular Toxicology00000
BIO 799Thesis Research00000
BIO 150Human Anatomy and Physiology I00000
BIO 180General Biology II00000
BIO 215Invertebrate Zoology and Paleontology00000
BIO 228Botany00000
BIO 239Ecology00000
BIO 318Histology00000
BIO 326Introduction to Bioinformatics and Genomics00000
BIO 338Animal Behavior00000
BIO 370Biochemistry I00000
BIO 378Radiation Biology00000
BIO 456Experimental Methods in Ecology00000
BIO 591Biology Independent Study00000
BIO 605Statistical Analysis00000
BIO 705Biology of Cancer00000
BIO 723Ornithology00000
BIO 751Molecular Genetics00000
BIO 837Plant Evolutionary Ecology00000
BIO 894Biology Ind Study00000
BIO 107Principles of Biology I Laboratory00000
BIO 170General Biology I00000
BIO 205General Physiology00000
BIO 220Healthcare and Law Ethics00000
BIO 235Evolution00000
BIO 272Statistics for the Biological Sciences00000
BIO 314General Microbiology00000
BIO 324Developmental Biology00000
BIO 332Advanced Physiology00000
BIO 350Microbiology and Cellular Pathology00000
BIO 415Mathematical Biology00000
BIO 458Experimental Methods in Cell Biochemistry00000
BIO 592Biology Ind Study00000
BIO 596Biology Internship00000
BIO 708Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Laboratory00000
BIO 740Advanced Microscopy00000
BIO 771Principles of Epidemiology00000
BIO 892Biology Ind Study00000
BIO 106Principles of Biology I00000
BIO 160Human Anatomy and Physiology II00000
BIO 181General Biology II Laboratory00000
BIO 217Introduction to Tropical Ecology00000
BIO 233Genetics00000
BIO 240The Biology of Disease00000
BIO 312Genetics00000
BIO 321Conservation Biology00000
BIO 329Marine Biology and Oceanography00000
BIO 351Microbiology and Cellular Pathology Laboratory00000
BIO 372Cell Biochemistry00000
BIO 443Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis00000
BIO 535Public Health Nutrition00000
BIO 603Scientific Communication00000
BIO 706Introduction to Biotechnology00000
BIO 727Conservation Biology00000
BIO 760Introduction to Bioinformatics and Genomics00000
BIO 891Biology Ind Study00000
BIO 896Graduate Biology Independent Study00000
BIO 230Marine Biology and Oceanography00000
BIO 313Invertebrate Zoology and Paleontology00000
BIO 325Diagnostic Molecular Biology00000
BIO 335Gene Regulatory Systems00000
BIO 352Cell Biology00000
BIO 365Principles of Neurobiology00000
BIO 382Pharmacotherapeutics00000
BIO 454Advanced Methods in Cell Biology00000
BIO 521Healthcare Law and Ethics00000
BIO 594Biology Ind Study00000
BIO 670Pathophysiological Concepts in Health and Illness00000
BIO 710Advanced Topics in Gene Regulatory Systems00000
BIO 741Cell Culture Techniques00000
BIO 794Bio Independent Study00000
BIO 893Biology Ind Study00000