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CSI Course Reviews

College of Staten Island (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANT 201Cultural Anthropology00000
ANT 306Latinas/os in the United States00000
ANT 365Political Anthropology00000
ANT 203Social Analysis00000
ANT 308Anthropology of Human Rights00000
ANT 332Social Movements and Social Justice00000
ANT 591Anthro Ind Study00000
ANT 100Understanding Our Worlds00000
ANT 235Policing and Mass Incarceration00000
ANT 313Modern Korean Culture00000
ANT 331Women and Work00000
ANT 225Multicultural Literacy00000
ANT 312Food, Self, and Society00000
ANT 367Globalization and the World System00000
ANT 594Anthropology Independent Study00000
ANT 305Power and Society in Latin America00000
ANT 314The High Cost of Cheap Food00000
ANT 375Sex and Society00000