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Concordia Course Reviews

Concordia University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HST 215American Civ I00000
HST 348Modern Russia00000
HST 365Intro To Intl Relations00000
HST 203Europe Since 178900000
HST 335History & Culture Of India00000
HST 355History Of The Middle East00000
HST 493Thesis I: Lit Review/Proj Des00000
HST 216American Civ II00000
HST 342Women's History & Literature00000
HST 399EHistory Of The Pacific Nw00000
HST 494Thesis II: Rsch, Writ, Defense00000
HST 201Intro To American Govt00000
HST 303Out Of Hiding Into Power00000
HST 349Renaissance & Reformation00000
HST 492Senior Thesis Prep00000