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Clarkson Course Reviews

Clarkson University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ES 110Engineering and Society423.552
MA 232Elementary Differential Equations33231
ME 212Introduction to Engineering Design54551
UNIV 190The Clarkson Seminar44341
BY 162Biology II Laboratory33451
FY 100First Year Seminar35341
CS 141Introduction to Computer Science I34241
CM 457Directed Research in Polymer Chemistry00000
CE 301Introduction to Geospatial Analysis and Geographic Informati...00000
CM 570Biochemistry & Biotechnology Laboratory00000
COMM 360Sound Design00000
CM 371Physical Chemistry I00000
BY 560Comparative Physiology00000
CM 492Undergraduate Thesis00000
BY 312Adirondack Ecology and Environmental Science00000
COMM 210Theory of Rhetoric for Business, Science, and Engineering00000
CE 434Sustainable Development Engineering00000
AS 301Leading People and Effective Communication I00000
COMM 448Portraying Innovation00000
BY 406Biomedical Analysis and Instrumentation00000
CE 502Applications in Geospatial Analytics, Science, & Engineering00000
CS 442Computational Complexity00000
CS 475Computing, Ethics and Society00000
BY 431Limnology00000
CE 570River Restoration00000
CE 582Environmental Systems Analysis and Design00000
CM 241Organic Chemistry I00000
BY 524Experimental Evolution Laboratory00000
CM 428Directed Study in Analytical Chemistry00000
BY 160Biology II - Cellular and Molecular Biology00000
CM 470Biochemistry & Biotechnology Laboratory00000
BY 586Molecular Biotechnology00000
CM 532Fine Particle Characterization00000
ANTH 499Minor Portfolio00000
CM 755Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry00000
CE 404Applications in Scheduling and Estimating00000
COMM 314Placemaking, Marketing and Promotion00000
BY 357Human Cognitive Evolution00000
COMM 420Communication: Independent Study00000
CE 477Atmospheric Chemistry00000
CS 242Advanced Programming Concepts in Java00000
AE 430Stability and Control of Aerospace Vehicles00000
CS 458Formal Methods for Program Verification00000
CE 527Advanced Fluid Mechanics00000
CS 541Introduction to Automata Theory and Formal Languages00000
AS 403Leadership Laboratory00000
CE 575Coastal Engineering00000
BY 451Biochemistry II00000
AE 457Composite Mechanics and Design00000
CE 622Uncertainty Quantification and Optimization in Computational...00000
BIE 400Responsible Conduct of Research00000
BY 460Neurobiology00000
CE 686Environmental Engineering Design00000
CH 350Chemical Engineering Laboratory00000
BY 473Anatomy and Physiology I Lab00000
CH 392Undergraduate Research Project00000
CH 440Plasma Engineering00000
CM 121Freshmen Seminar00000
BY 518Principles of Toxicology and Epidemiology00000
CM 305Biochemistry for Health Sciences00000
BY 112Laboratory for Biology and Society00000
CM 413Carbon Capture and Sequestration00000
BY 528Conservation Biology00000
CM 444Medicinal Chemistry00000
ANTH 255Culture and the Environment00000
CM 466Bioelectronics & Bionanotechnology00000
BY 574Anatomy & Physiology II Laboratory00000
CM 478Directed Study in Physical Chemistry00000
BY 226Plant Biotechnology00000
CM 506Biomedical Analysis and Instrumentation00000
BY 622Graduate Seminar00000
CM 553Introduction to Biomaterials00000
AE 365Independent Projects I00000
CM 581Computational Chemistry00000
CE 315Geology For Engineers00000
CM 990Thesis, Dissertation or Special Project00000
BY 324Parasitology00000
COMM 229Principles of User-Experience Design00000
CE 411Construction Materials Engineering00000
COMM 327Digital Video Production I00000
AS 102Air Force Heritage and Values II00000
COMM 394Special Topics00000
CE 452Advanced Strength of Materials00000
COMM 425Communication: Independent Study00000
BY 368Mathematical Biology Seminar00000
COMM 499Senior Project00000
CE 486Industrial Ecology00000
CS 407Directed Study in Computer Science00000
AC 490Internship in Accounting00000
CS 452Computer Graphics00000
CE 510Sustainable Infrastructure and Building00000
CS 470Deep Learning00000
BY 424Experimental Evolution Laboratory00000
BOE 610Fundamentals of the Business of Energy00000
BY 482Molecular Genetics00000
CH 502Directed Study in Chemical Engineering Principles II00000
CH 547Advanced Hydrocarbon Thermodynamics00000
BY 490Term Integrated Project in Bioscience00000
CH 582Design Project00000
CH 665Selected Topics in Polymers and Soft Materials00000