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Citrus College Course Reviews

Citrus College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AUTO 101Fundamentals of Automotive Service, Diagnosis and Repair00000
AUTO 151Engine Service, Diagnosis and Repair00000
AUTO 172Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles00000
AUTO 291Engine Performance Enhancements and Tuning00000
AUTO 140AVehicle Maintenance00000
AUTO 154Chassis Service, Diagnosis, and Repair00000
AUTO 230CAutomotive Service and Repair Work Experience C00000
AUTO 297Cylinder Block Development00000
AUTO 100Automotive Technology and Maintenance for the Consumer00000
AUTO 148Engine Performance Maintenance and Light Repair00000
AUTO 230BAutomotive Service and Repair Work Experience B00000
AUTO 296Cylinder Head Development00000
AUTO 144Automotive Chassis MLR00000
AUTO 156Automotive Electrical & Electronic Systems I00000
AUTO 230DAutomotive Service and Repair Work Experience D00000
AUTO 696CSpecial Topics: Automotive Technology00000
AUTO 145Automotive Brakes Maintenance and Light Repair00000
AUTO 167Automotive HVAC Service, Diagnosis & Repair00000
AUTO 230AAutomotive Service and Repair Work Experience A00000
AUTO 696ASpecial Topics: Automotive Technology00000
AUTO 146Automotive Electrical Systems00000
AUTO 168Engine Control Systems Service, Diagnosis and Repair00000
AUTO 281Advanced Toyota Technician Training00000
AUTO 699DCooperative Education00000