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Citrus College Course Reviews

Citrus College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 100ASurvey of Western Art from Prehistory through the Middle Age...00000
ART 103Art History Renaissance and Baroque Art in Western Europe00000
ART 110Introduction to the Visual Arts00000
ART 116Figure Drawing II00000
ART 130Beginning Painting00000
ART 145Ceramic Design and Decoration00000
ART 152Introduction to Art: Mobile Digital Devices00000
ART 168Animation I00000
ART 189Art Portfolio and Resume Production00000
ART 201History of Motion Pictures 1945-Present00000
ART 267Web Design II00000
ART 100BSurvey of Western Art from Renaissance to Contemporary00000
ART 108History of Photography00000
ART 117Figure Drawing III00000
ART 131Intermediate Painting00000
ART 158Commercial Graphic Design00000
ART 182Advanced Clay Sculpture I00000
ART 207History of Asian Art00000
ART 101Art History Ancient Art00000
ART 104Art History Modern and Contemporary Art00000
ART 109Survey of Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Indigenous North Amer...00000
ART 115Figure Drawing I00000
ART 127Display and Exhibition Design00000
ART 143Beginning Ceramics Handbuilding00000
ART 153Digital Media Productions I00000
ART 167Web Design I00000
ART 184Sculpture and Metalwork00000
ART 206History of Latin American Art Colonial through Contemporary00000
ART 240Advanced Ceramics I00000
ART 100AHSurvey of Western Art from Prehistory through the Middle Age...00000
ART 106Art History Ancient Latin American Art00000
ART 112Intermediate Drawing00000
ART 121Three-Dimensional Design00000
ART 141Intermediate Ceramics00000
ART 149Studio Problems in Ceramics00000
ART 162Computer Graphics I00000
ART 181Intermediate Clay Sculpture00000
ART 200History of Motion Pictures: 1895-194500000
ART 241Advanced Ceramics II00000
ART 268Animation II00000
ART 102Art History Western Medieval Art00000
ART 105Art History Topics in Contemporary Art00000
ART 111Beginning Drawing00000
ART 120Two-Dimensional Design00000
ART 140Beginning Ceramics00000
ART 150Computer Art Basics00000
ART 159Introduction to Typography00000
ART 180Beginning Clay Sculpture00000
ART 199Motion Picture Appreciation00000
ART 230Advanced Painting00000
ART 253Digital Media Production II00000