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Bowdoin Course Reviews

Bowdoin College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARCH 1101Greek Archaeology00000
ARCH 2204Buried by Vesuvius: The Archaeology of Roman Daily Life00000
ARCH 3304Pottery in Archaeology: Ceramic Arts in the Ancient Mediterr...00000
ARCH 2206Hispania Antiqua: The Archaeology of Ancient Spain00000
ARCH 3302Ancient Numismatics00000
ARCH 1105The Archaeology of Building: Architecture in the Ancient Med...00000
ARCH 3301The Endangered Past: Archaeology and the Current Threat to C...00000
ARCH 1014Living and Dying in Ancient Rome00000
ARCH 2202Augustan Rome00000
ARCH 2211Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age00000
ARCH 1103Egyptian Archaeology00000
ARCH 2209The Limits of Empire: Archaeology of the Roman Frontier00000
ARCH 1102Roman Archaeology00000
ARCH 2207Who Owns the Past? Contemporary Controversies and Contested...00000
ARCH 3320The Culture of Spectacle in Antiquity and Beyond00000