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Boston College Course Reviews

Boston College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ADTH 1001Biblical Heritage I: Old Testament00000
ADTH 1108Christianity in Africa00000
ADTH 3000Cath Crisis Pts I:12 Evnts that Trnsfrmd the Chrch00000
ADTH 4911Independent Study00000
ADTH 1002Biblical Heritage II: New Testament00000
ADTH 1402God, Self, Society00000
ADTH 3002Cath Crisis Pts II/12Evnts that Trnsfrmd the Chrch00000
ADTH 1016Introduction to Christian Theology I: Christian Life and Spi...00000
ADTH 1430Special Topics: Buddhism and Christianity in Dialogue00000
ADTH 4000US Cathlcsm 21stC:Perspctivas Teol.gicas/Mnistria00000
ADTH 1017Introduction to Christian Theology II00000
ADTH 1489Liberation Theology00000
ADTH 3845Moral Theology00000
ADTH 1064Foundations of Theology00000
ADTH 2005History of Theology00000
ADTH 4690Systematic Theology00000
ADTH 1470Theological Approaches to Religious Diversity00000
ADTH 4010Liturgy and Sacraments00000