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Binghamton Course Reviews

Binghamton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CS 110Pgming Concepts&Applic (LEC)
HDEV 342Intro to Human Rts Thry & Prac52551
ANTH 256Native Amer Culture&Hist (LEC)44421
PHYS 132GenPhysicsIICalcBased(LEC)WTSN42551
CINE 121Exper.Hist.&Analysis Of Cinema54431
ENVI 230Intro to Environmental Policy44431
BIOL 319Pre-Health Microbiology (LEC)12311
SOC 100Social Change:Intro Sociology55431
MATH 324ODE's for Scients/EngineerWTSN54551
PHYS 131Gen Physics I Calc Based (LEC)53551
MATH 386Combinatorics42531
EECE 260Electric Circuits54551
MGMT 111Intro Decision Making in MGMT14121
EECE 301Signals And Systems (LEC)51551
HDEV 425Oppression Dignity & Soc Chnge52551
ARTS 171Drawing I55321
ISRL 315Israeli-Palestinian Conflict53551
UNIV 103FA BetterWorld Through Research00000
ITAL 380EFamous Italians in the World00000
ANTH 482AAnthropology of Religion00000
CHIN 506Advanced Chinese II00000
ENVI 346Envi Chem Community Water Syst00000
LAT 380AMedieval Latin00000
CS 580AHardware and Security Systems00000
EECE 701Pract/Research &Teaching Asst00000
MGMT 581ABusiness, Human Rights & AP00000
ENT 480BInnovation Scholars IV00000
TRIP 563Project Managemnt for Transltn00000
HIST 576KGandhi, M.L.K., Fanon00000
AFST 280HAfr Amer Hist Since 1877 (LEC)00000
ENG 572FFreud and the Other00000
ARTH 385APost-1800 Architecture00000
JUST 385CJews in US Pop Music00000
CLAS 281GThe Greek World (LEC)00000
CLAS 481KKnowing & Being in Anc. Phil.00000
EECE 403Digital Audio SignalProcessing00000
LXC 140GeographyThruWorldLang&Culture00000
ENG 517BDante's Divine Comedy00000
FIN 580DESG Equity Investing00000
EVOS 483BEvolution and Sustainability00000
PH 547Comm Resp to Disastr Preprdnes00000
GEOG 180CArchaeology of Rome & Pompeii00000
GMAP 481EGandhi, M.L.K., Fanon00000
ARTH 481DOpulence&Luxury Medieval Art00000
DATA 580CData-Driven Marketing00000
GERM 180AFrom Hero to Knight00000
PHIL 457CConscience00000
GMAP 528BMethods In Forensic Anthro00000
HDEV 380EGentrification and Race00000
PHRM 588Professional Development II00000
HIST 180AIntroduction to US Immigration00000
HIST 284CPandemic! II00000
ECON 650Behavioral & Experimental Econ00000
GMAP 482GMiddle East Forced Migrations00000
PPL 480DCrit Policy Development in TJ00000
RUSS 280BDisinformation and Naivete II00000
GMAP 518ACrit Policy Development in TJ00000
RUSS 506Advanced Reading & Composition00000
THEA 590Proseminar in Graduate Studies00000
HIST 387DPrisoner Writings & Activism00000
TRIP 580KPhilosophies of Immanence00000
ENG 513APirates and Puritans00000
WRIT 345Writing & Producing Podcasts00000
HWS 342Measurement & Evaluation of HW00000
ANTH 380RAnthro of Poverty in the US00000
CLAS 180CArchaeology of Rome & Pompeii00000
ARAB 504Intermediate Arabic II00000
JPN 506Adv Jpn Reading & Comp II00000
CDCI 200Bridging Academics to Careers00000
ENT 380BInnovation Scholars III00000
CINE 285EExperimental Narrative00000
LACS 480UPolitical Ecology00000
COLI 383FThe Art of Exile00000
ARAB 506Advanced Standard Arabic II00000
ECON 550Behavioral & Experimental Econ00000
LEAD 280BIntro to Transform. Ldrship II00000
EECE 525Digital Audio SignalProcessing00000
ENVI 538AgriBiotech:Sci,Pol&Conflict00000
ENG 380H9/11 Trauma in Lit & Theory00000
MDVL 481BDante's Divine Comedy00000
ENG 593NMusic & Text in 17thC England00000
CS 480AHardware and Security Systems00000
ENVI 438AgriBiotech:Sci,Pol&Conflict00000
PAFF 539BPrep for Public Service Career00000
FIN 580FSpecial Topics00000
FREN 580IFrench Before France00000
GERM 241KVolkswagen and Beyond00000
PH 581EMed-legal Death Investigation00000
GMAP 482EGendered Approach to AP00000
ANTH 381GEvolution and Human Health00000
HDEV 282ALGBTQ History00000
PHIL 580ROther Minds00000
HEBR 502Hebrew II00000
GERM 381DThe Uncanny00000
SCHL 281WGaming the Past00000
CHIN 502Elementary Chinese II00000
EECE 514Elect Energy Storage Sys& Appl00000
GRK 501Elementary Ancient Greek I00000
SLP 415Normal & Abnml Spch & Lang Dev00000
SOC 380MThe Marginalized in East Asia00000