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Berea Course Reviews

Berea College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDS 286Contemplative Pedagogy00000
FRN 321Panorama of French Lit II00000
CFS 103Consumers & the Food System00000
CSC 420Programming Languages00000
CHI 101Introduction to Chinese I00000
BIO 346Conservation Biology00000
ENG 200EEnglish Literature I00000
ART 135Illusionistic Drawing/Painting00000
CFS 315Middle Childhood & Adolescence00000
ART 423Ceramics IV00000
CSC 110Craft of Computing00000
CHM 452Advanced Organic Chemistry00000
BIO 102Human Anatomy & Physiology II00000
ECO 301Intermediate Macroeconomics00000
ARH 249Topics in Asian Art (AST)00000
EDS 484Capstone Teaching Practicum00000
BUS 327Intermediate Accounting II00000
ENG 305Adultery & Scandal00000
ANR 360Forest & Wildlife Management00000
GER 386Intermediate Conversation I00000
ART 230Sculpture and Intermedia II00000
CFS 386Developmental Observation and00000
APS 140Appalachian Literature (ENG)00000
CHM 311Analytical Chemistry00000
AST 101Intro to Japanese I (JPN)00000
COM 311Broadcast Journalism II00000
COM 103Competitive Debate Practicum00000
AST 271South Asian Phil (PHI, REL)00000
CSC 328Data Analytics (BUS)00000
ARH 200Visual Cultures of Science00000
CSC 490BCloud DB: Protection/Integrity00000
BIO 323Principles of Physiology00000
ECO 370Envr Issue Public Pol (SENS)00000
ANR 318Food Policy (CFS)00000
EDS 349Education and Culture00000
BUS 114Business App & Prog (CSC)00000
ENG 110Telling Time in Film & Lit00000
ARH 486Advanced Research in Archaeolo00000
ENG 282FCreative Writing, Fiction00000
BUS 366Financial Management00000
ENG 390BAdvanced Creative Writing00000
AFR 305Interracial Communication(COM)00000
GER 102Introduction to German II00000
CFS 221Fundamentals of Nutrition00000
GST 101AStrat for Acad Succ 1st Yr00000
ANR 495Hawaii Permaculture Internship00000
CFS 353Childhood Guidance00000
ART 330Sculpture and Intermedia III00000
CFS 480Senior Research Seminar00000
AFR 390BClinical Prac Black Psychology00000
CHM 101Foundations of Chemistry00000
ART 492APrintmaking Capstone00000
CHM 370Adv Lab Chromatography00000
APS 215Sustainable Appal Comm (SENS)00000
CLS 110Sport/Spect Greece/Rome (HHP)00000
AST 122History of China (HIS)00000
COM 302Organizational Communication00000
COM 112Nonviolent Communication (PSJ)00000
AST 240Kinshp/Gen SE Asia (SOC/WGS)00000
COM 398Journalism Practicum I00000
APS 490BPedagogies of Appalachian Stds00000
CSC 126Intro to Robotics00000
AST 324JSeminar in Asian History (HIS)00000
CSC 390BMapping with Omeka00000
ANR 240Soil Science00000
CSC 440Design & Analysis of Algorithm00000
BIO 207Pathophysiology:Altered Health00000
DIN 000Dinner Session A 5.00 pm00000
ARH 232Art of Ancient Greece & Rome00000
ECO 341Economic Dev:Theory & Appl00000
BIO 330Genetics00000
EDS 204Foreign Lang Learning/Teaching00000
AFR 250Patriotic Gore (HIS)00000
EDS 338Methds II STEM Disciplines00000
BIO 490BNeurodiagnostics00000
EDS 472Midl Grades Student Teaching00000
ARH 286Art and Social Justice00000
EDS 490BProf Dev in Edu Studies00000
BUS 286Lean Practices00000
ENG 141African-American Lit (AFR)00000
ANR 330Forage and Row Crop Production00000
ENG 212Lit-Caribbean Women(AFR/WGS)00000
BUS 345Human Resources Management00000
ENG 282Creative Writing: Poetry00000
ART 116Painting I00000
ENG 340Literary Feasts00000
BUS 395M&A Internship00000
FRN 102Introduction to French II00000
AFR 141African-American Lit (ENG)00000
GEO 186Intro to Geo: Landforms00000
CFS 186The Meaning of Adulthood00000
GER 310Advanced German I00000
ART 200CIntro to On-Wheel Ceramics00000
CFS 238Human Environments II00000
AFR 130Modern Art of Africa (ARH)00000
AFR 204African Amer Intellect Thought00000
ANR 110Animal Science00000
APS 253Appalachian America (HIS)00000
AST 132Religions of China00000
COM 206Interpersonal Communication00000