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ACU Course Reviews

Abilene Christian University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 353General Microbiology44441
BIOL 293Anatomy and Physiology I Lab00000
COMM 687Prin of Rhetorical Criticism00000
DSGN 302Interm Interior Design II00000
COMM 341Interpersonal Communication00000
BIBM 652Supervised Prac of Ministry II00000
CSD 601Speech Sound Disorders00000
BIBH 640ST: Baptist History00000
BIBL 454Prophetic Lit. of the O.T.00000
BIOL 472Biochemistry I: Foundations00000
BLAW 461Business Law II00000
CHEM 453Biochemistry I: Foundations00000
BIBM 492Children and Family Ministry00000
COMM 499Communication Internship00000
BHEB 623Intermediate Syriac00000
CS 316Mobile Game Development00000
BIOL 101Biology Human Perspective00000
DET 315Game Materials00000
ART 362Ceramics II00000
EDUC 287Integrating Arts in Elem.00000
BIBL 102Life, Literature and Community00000
BIOL 492Physiology00000
ART 454Information Graphics00000
BIBL 627Biblical Exegesis00000
BMFT 641Family Therapy I00000
BMIS 391Service in Global Contexts00000
CHEM 355Analytical Chemistry I00000
BIBM 405Women in Christian Tradition00000
COMM 222Discussion, Dissent, & Debate00000
BGRK 621Inter New Testament Greek00000
COMM 436Nonverbal Communication00000
BIBM 614Theol & Min in Times of Crisis00000
COMM 575Persuasion00000
ART 331Sculpture I00000
CS 115Scripting I00000
BIBP 487Hist Ancient/Medieval Phil.00000
CS 375Software Engineering II00000
BIBD 661Theological Exploration00000
CSD 661Special Prob in Speech Path00000
BIOL 122Introductory Biology I Lab00000
DSGN 102Intro. to Interior Design00000
ANSC 483Ruminant Livestock Production00000
ECON 260Principles of Macroeconomics00000
BIOL 354General Microbiology Lab00000
EDUC 370Teach Math in Elem Grades 3-600000
ART 434Sculpture IV00000
BIOL 487Comparative Zoology00000
BIBL 365General Epistles00000
BIOL 498Cancer Biology00000
ART 106Three-Dimensional Design00000
BMFT 610Couples Therapy00000
BIBL 611Old Testament Theology00000
BMFT 665Assess & Treat Across Life Cyc00000
ART 463Ceramics III00000
BIBL 653Devotional/Wisdom Lit of OT00000
BMIS 621Fundmntls of Spiritual Nurture00000
BUSA 419International Business00000
CHEM 240ST: Intro to Health Profession00000
BIBM 391Ministry in Context00000
CHEM 401Sec Science Teaching Methods00000
BGRK 332Elem. Greek Readings II00000
CHEM 483Polymer Chemistry00000
BIBM 439Teaching for Spiritual Form.00000
COMM 291Survey Research Methods00000
ART 315Printmaking00000
COMM 392Rhetoric of Pop Culture00000
BIBM 602GST Orientation00000
COMM 475Persuasion00000
BGRK 625Exegesis Sem. in the Epistles00000
COMM 540ST: Risk Communication00000
BIBM 640ST:Renewing Church for Mission00000
COMM 636Seminar in Comm Theory00000
ANSC 343Animal Reproduction00000
COMP 479Prgms & Services for Elderly00000
BIBM 678GST Senior Portfolio Prep00000
CS 220Computer Organization00000
BHEB 682Intermed. Hebrew Readings II00000
CS 352Programming Languages00000
BIBT 379The Church00000
CSD 140ST:American Sign Language I00000
ART 352Typography II00000
CSD 613Dysphagia & Related Disorders00000
BIOL 113General Biology II00000
DET 220Introduction to 3D Modeling00000
BIBD 686Christian Ethics00000
DET 360AR/VR Development00000
BIOL 221Animal Biology00000
DSGN 221Hist. of Arch. & Dsgn. I00000
AENV 110Intro to Ag Env Sys and Tech00000
DSGN 463Field Experience00000
BIOL 345Range and Wildland Plants00000
ECON 438Intl Poverty and Development00000
BIBH 664Advanced Restoration History00000
CHEM 112Intro Org & Biol Chem Lab00000
BIOL 380General Mammalogy00000
ACCT 304Income Tax I00000
AGRB 382Agribusiness Management00000
ART 222Art History: General Survey II00000
ART 495Life and Career in Art00000
BIBL 699Master's Thesis00000