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ACC Course Reviews

Arapahoe Community College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CIS 103Learning Windows00000
CIS 130Introduction to Internet00000
CIS 161Presentn Graphics: PPT00000
CIS 232Unix Shell Programming00000
CIS 268Systems Analysis and Design I00000
CIS 115Intro to Computer Info Sys00000
CIS 135Complete Word Processing00000
CIS 202Automated Project Management00000
CIS 243Introduction to SQL00000
CIS 289Capstone00000
CIS 124Intro to Operating Systems00000
CIS 145Intro to Desktop Database00000
CIS 220Fundamentals of Unix00000
CIS 267Mgmt of Information Systems00000
CIS 118Intro PC Applications00000
CIS 155Complete Spreadsheets00000
CIS 240Database Design & Development00000
CIS 287Cooperative Education00000